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Supported dependencies

As you develop your Mini, you can utilize most of the tools commonly used in React Native projects. However, please keep in mind that the dependencies you can use are limited to the following list. This restriction ensures compatibility with the Shop app.

Supported Libraries

The most significant libraries we support are the following:

- react-native-reanimated
- react-native-render-html
- react-native-svg
- react-native-video
- react-native-webview
- @react-navigation/native
- moment

For a complete and up-to-date list of dependencies that you can use in your Mini, please check this link

Upgrades and release cycles

These dependencies are provided by the package @shopify/shop-minis-runtime that also controls their versioning. On each release cycle of the Shop app, these versions might be bumped and a new version of @shopify/shop-minis-runtime will be released each time to reflect these upgrades.

To upgrade to the latest version of @shopify/shop-minis-runtime, you can run the following command:

$ npx shop-minis upgrade

The submit command will warn you to upgrade to the latest version of @shopify/shop-minis-runtime if you are not using the latest version.

Breaking changes

Upgrades to these dependencies might involve breaking changes and require maintenance in your Mini. We will communicate these cases with anticipation so that you can submit a new version of the Mini that supports the newer version of the dependencies you use.