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Shop Minis quickstart

In this guide you'll create a Shop Mini and get it running in a simulator.


You'll need the following dependencies:


This guide has currently only been tested on macOS.

Building your first Shop Mini

You can create a Shop Mini locally using npm or yarn.

Early access partners must register their Mini.

Step 1: Create a Shop Mini

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your project:

      $ cd <directory>
  2. Create a Shop Mini locally using following command:

      $ npm init @shopify/shop-mini@latest

    This will take a few seconds to install some necessary dependencies.

  3. Follow the instructions to set the name of the Shop Mini:

    For example, enter quickstart.

      ? Give your Shop Mini a name. You can change it later.
    › quickstart
  4. Choose a template to get started building your Shop Mini:

    For example, select Blank.

      ? Select a template › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
    ❯ Blank - Example of a empty Shop Mini where you can access prebuilt components
    Shoppable Posts
    Shoppable Videos

When you select your template, we will download the template itself and other development dependencies. This may take a few minutes depending on your internet connection.

Step 2: Start development

  1. Navigate into the Shop Mini directory:

    $ cd quickstart
  2. Run the following command to start development server:

    $ npm start
  3. Press i in the CLI menu to open the Shop Mini in the iOS simulator of your choice:

Home screen for a Shop Mini using the Blank template

The Shop Mini’s index can be found at screens/HomeScreen.tsx. Start from there to build up the client-side user experience for your Shop Mini.

Next steps

You used the Snowdevil template in this guide. Read about our Templates to see what other options you have.