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Orders placed through your Shop Mini will be automatically attributed to it. You can query attributions using the attributions field in the Shop Minis Admin API, and your merchants can see stats in their Shop channel analytics dashboard. See below for how to attach custom attribution data to orders and how to attribute existing orders.

Attaching custom attribution data

You can attach custom attribution data to orders that originate within your Shop Mini when you use the navigateToProduct action or ProductLink component:

await shopActions.navigateToProduct({
attribution: {
sourceName: 'foo',
sourceIdentifier: 'abc123',
attribution={{ sourceName: 'foo', sourceIdentifier: 'abc123' }}

Attribution currently only supports sourceName and sourceIdentifier fields. You can access this custom attribution data via the attributions field in the Shop Minis Admin API, but it is not shared with merchants.

Attributing an existing order

If your Shop Mini allows users to add items to an existing order (e.g. a post-purchase upsell) you must manually trigger the attribution process using the createOrderAttribution action:

await shopActions.createOrderAttribution({
orderId: 'gid://shopify/Order/123',
productVariantId: 'gid://shopify/ProductVariant/42',

You can optionally attach custom attribution data:

await shopActions.createOrderAttribution({
orderId: 'gid://shopify/Order/123',
productVariantId: 'gid://shopify/ProductVariant/42',
attribution: {
sourceName: 'foo',
sourceIdentifier: 'abc123',

You should do this before adding the line item to the order or presenting the payment screen to the user. The attribution will only activate once the payment is processed.

Querying attributed orders

You can query for attributed orders using the attributions field in the Shop Minis Admin API. It accepts either an orderId for fetching atttributions for a particular order, or a shopDomain for fetching all attributions for a particular shop.

query($orderId: ID) {
attributions(orderId: $orderId) {
nodes {
fields {