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  • The ProductVariantPrice component effectively displays pricing information for a product variant within a Mini, emphasizing current and potentially discounted prices to enhance customer purchase decisions. This component is ideal for e-commerce platforms where clear communication of price comparisons can significantly impact buyer behavior.

    Utilizing a combination of the FormatMoney and Text components, ProductVariantPrice displays the standard price and, if relevant, the discounted price with appropriate styling adjustments, such as strikethrough text for discounted prices. This visual tactic helps underscore savings, adding value to the customer's shopping experience. An example of its use can be seen in the ProductLink component with discount.

    Here’s an example demonstrating the use of the ProductVariantPrice component:

  • <ProductVariantPrice
Example of the ProductVariantPrice component



  • Ensure your project environment is set up with access to @shopify/shop-minis-platform-sdk. See the quickstart for requirements and to set up a Shop Mini.

Step 1: Importing the Component

Import the ProductVariantPrice from its module in your codebase:

import { ProductVariantPrice } from '@shopify/shop-minis-platform-sdk';

Step 2: Using the ProductVariantPrice

Implement the ProductVariantPrice within product display components by providing it with the relevant pricing data fetched via your product variant data queries:



Simple Display of Price:
price: {
amount: 605.95,
currencyCode: "USD"
compareAtPrice: {
amount: 702,
currencyCode: "USD"
Display Price with Compare At Price Showing a Discount:
price: {
amount: 45.00,
currencyCode: "USD"
compareAtPrice: {
amount: 60.00,
currencyCode: "USD"


  • variantPrice (ProductVariantPriceFragmentData): Contains data about the price and compare-at-price (if applicable) of a product variant.
    • price (Price): The standard price of the product variant.
    • compareAtPrice (CompareAtPrice): The compare-at price of the product variant, used to display a discount if applicable.

For more details on the props, please refer to the ProductVariantPrice Props.