Entry points

We're upgrading!
Extensions are a more flexible, dynamic, and customizable way to surface your Shop Mini to Shop app users.
For new partners, please use extensions to surface your Shop Mini to Shop app users. New Shop Minis submitted with legacy entry-points will not be approved.
For existing partners, we will communicate with you directly and work with you to migrate your existing Shop Mini to extensions over the coming months.
For more support, please send us an email or send us a message in the #shop-minis channel in the Shopify Partners Slack.
Entry points surface your Shop Mini on product pages and shop pages within the Shop app. This is the primary way users will enter your Shop Mini experience.
Configuring entry points involves two steps:
- Define your entry points upfront when you submit your Shop Mini for review.
- Set entry point content for specific products or shops that your Shop Mini knows about.
Testing an entry point
As our early access partner, you can test your entry points during development without defining entry point defintions in the manifest.json
file. The entry points can be created by setting an entry point defined below.
During development, you can set entry points in your development stores without first submitting entry point definitions for review. These entry points will only be visible to team members or your organization once they sign into their Shop account.
Defining an entry point
Entry points are defined in the manifest.json
file for your Shop Mini. They consist of a type and location.
The following example defines a DEFAULT_CARD
entry point on the product details page, an IMAGE_COLLECTION_V2
entry point on the store page, a LINK
entry point that will be displayed
on the store page context menu, and a PRODUCT_OFFER_CARD
that will be displayed on the order confirmation page.
"entry_points": [
"type": "DEFAULT_CARD",
"location": "PRODUCT_PAGE"
"location": "STORE_PAGE"
"type": "LINK",
Shop Minis can only define one entry point per type in a given location.
Before you can start setting entry points, you'll need to submit your configuration for review using the CLI.
Entry point types
The entry point type determines its visual style, functionality, and behavior, which can vary from simple links to live events with reminder features.
Type | Description |
LINK | Displays a simple text link. |
DEFAULT_CARD | Displays an image, title, text, and action button. |
IMAGE_COLLECTION | Deprecated . Use IMAGE_COLLECTION_V2 instead. Displays a group of images in a grid or carousel layout. |
IMAGE_COLLECTION_V2 | Displays a group of images in a grid or carousel layout with related products. Included with the Shoppable Posts template. |
VIDEO_COLLECTION | Deprecated . Use VIDEO_COLLECTION_V2 instead. Displays one or more video previews in a carousel. |
VIDEO_COLLECTION_V2 | Displays one or more video previews in a carousel with related products. Included with the Shoppable Videos template. |
EVENT_CARD_V2 | Displays a preview of a live event and allows the user to sign up for reminder notifications. |
PRODUCT_OFFER_CARD | Displays a product offer card with a product title, image, discounted price, original price, and an expiration timer. |
Entry point locations
The entry point location determines where it will be rendered within the Shop app. However, Shop is responsible for determining the specific placement of entry points on its screens.
Location | Description |
PRODUCT_PAGE | A product details page within the Shop app. |
STORE_PAGE | A shop details page within the Shop app. |
ORDER_CONFIRMATION_PAGE | An order confirmation page within the Shop app. Can only be used with PRODUCT_OFFER_CARD type. |
ORDER_MANAGEMENT_PAGE | An order management page within the Shop app. Can only be used with PRODUCT_OFFER_CARD type. |
PRODUCT_PAGE_CONTEXT_MENU | Context menu on the product details page within the Shop app. Can only be used with LINK type. |
STORE_PAGE_CONTEXT_MENU | Context menu on the shop details page within the Shop app. Can only be used with LINK type. |
Setting an entry point
Once your entry point definitions have been approved, you can start setting entry points using the Shop Minis Admin API.
Using an owner ID
The entryPointSetByOwner
mutation field allows you to set an entry point for a specific shop or product by specifying ownerId
. The following example sets the LINK
entry point on the STORE_PAGE
for the given shop. The shopDomain
argument must be for the same shop as the ownerID
mutation {
shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com"
ownerId: "gid://shopify/Shop/68822335510"
input: {link: {actionText: "Click me!"}}
) {
entryPoint {
userErrors {
You can set one entry point per type, location, and owner ID. If you perform the mutation twice for the same type, location, and owner ID, it will update the entry point values.
- See
for setting other types of entry point. - See
for possible errors.
Using a visibility rule
To make an entry point visible on many products, you can set an entry point with a visibility rule. Visibility rules use a subset of the flexible Shopify search syntax. It supports the equality comparator (:
), the AND
and OR
connectives, and the product id
and tag
fields. Visibility rules are currently only supported for PRODUCT_PAGE
entry points.
This example visibility rule matches all products that are tagged "foo" and either "bar" or "baz":
tag:foo AND (tag:bar OR tag:baz)
This example visibility rule matches the products with the id "7922591727871" or with the id "7922600935679":
id:7922591727871 OR id:7922600935679
The following example sets the LINK
entry point on the PRODUCT_PAGE
for all products matching the provided visibilityRule
in the shop specified by the shopDomain
mutation {
shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com"
location: PRODUCT_PAGE
visibilityRule: "tag:foo AND (tag:bar OR tag:baz)"
input: {link: {actionText: "Click me!"}}
) {
entryPoint {
userErrors {
You can set one entry point per type and location using a visibility rule. If you perform the entryPointSetByRule
mutation twice for the same type and location, it will update the entry point values, including the visibility rule. The maximum length of a visibility rule can be 20K characters.
If a visibility rule is invalid, this mutation will return an INVALID_VISIBILITY_RULE
user error. To obtain more details regarding the invalid rule, use the entryPointVisibilityRuleValidity
query field. This field requires a rule argument and returns a status field indicating the validity of the rule as well as a userErrors field that lists any validation issues.
- See
for setting other types of entry point. - See
for possible errors.
Uploading media
Some entry point types allow setting images or videos. Media must be uploaded to the Shopify CDN via the stagedUploadsCreate
and fileCreate
mutations in the Shopify Admin API. See those links for general information about uploading media.
Note: media uploaded using the Shopify Admin API will appear in the Files page in the merchant's Shopify Admin.
Uploading images already hosted elsewhere
This option is only available for images. Videos must be uploaded using the multi-stage process described below.
If you are already hosting images elsewhere, you can use the fileCreate
mutation directly, passing your external image URL:
mutation {
fileCreate(files: [{originalSource: "https://www.example.com/image.jpg"}]) {
files {
userErrors {
You'll need to wait for the media to be processed before it is available on the Shopify CDN. You can use the ID returned from the mutation above to query for the file directly and fetch the URL:
query {
node(id: "gid://shopify/MediaImage/123") {
... on MediaImage {
image {
Uploading media from your filesystem
Uploading media from your filesystem is a multi-stage process. First, you'll need to create a staged upload target:
mutation {
input: {
filesize: "1234"
filename: "foo.jpg"
mimeType: "image/jpeg"
resource: IMAGE
) {
stagedTargets {
parameters {
userErrors {
You can then upload the file using the generated URL and parameters.
Now use the fileCreate
mutation with the resourceUrl
field from the previous step to create the file in the merchants Files section:
mutation {
fileCreate(files: [{originalSource: "<resource-url-from-previous-step>"}]) {
files {
userErrors {
Wait for the media to be available on the Shopify CDN either by checking the fileStatus
field in the fileCreate
mutation or by using the ID returned in the previous step to query for the uploaded URL:
query {
node(id: "gid://shopify/MediaImage/123") {
... on MediaImage {
image {
... on Video {
sources {
Note that for videos, you can choose an alternative source format for the video. Check your usecase for details but we strongly recommend using HLS (.m3u8
) format for videos.
Fetching entry points
The entryPoints
field allows you to paginate through a filtered set of entry points. The following example returns all LINK
entry points in the PRODUCT_PAGE
location that were updated between the 11th of January and the 22nd of February. As with the "set" mutations above, it is scoped to a given shop via the shopDomain
query {
shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com"
type: LINK
location: PRODUCT_PAGE
updatedAt: {min: "2023-01-11", max: "2023-02-22"}
) {
nodes {
... on LinkEntryPoint {
Unsetting an entry point
The entryPointDeleteByOwner
, entryPointDeleteByRule
, and entryPointDeleteAll
mutation fields allow you to unset entry points.
The following example will remove the LINK
entry point from the STORE_PAGE
for the given shop. The shopDomain
argument must be for the same shop as the ownerID
mutation {
shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com"
type: LINK
location: STORE_PAGE
ownerId: "gid://shopify/Shop/68822335510"
) {
userErrors {
- See
for possible errors.
The following example will remove the LINK
entry point from the PRODUCT_PAGE
, if it uses a visibility rule.
mutation {
shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com"
location: PRODUCT_PAGE
type: LINK
) {
userErrors {
- See
for possible errors.
The following example will remove all entry points for the given shop. Deletion will happen asynchronously, so entry points may still be visible for a period after performing this mutation.
mutation {
entryPointDeleteAll(shopDomain: "your-test-store.myshopify.com") {
userErrors {
- See
for possible errors.
Accessing entry point context
The useMinisParams
hook provides access to useful context from the entry point that launched the Shop Mini.
import {useMinisParams} from '@shopify/shop-minis-platform-sdk'
export const MyScreen = () => {
const {entryPoint, entryPointParams} = useMinisParams()
Name | Value |
location | EntryPointLocation |
collectionItems | An array of image collection entry point items or video collection entry point items |
Name | Value | Notes |
shopGID | "gid://shopify/Shop/123" | |
productGID | "gid://shopify/Product/123" | Only for PRODUCT_PAGE or PRODUCT_PAGE_CONTEXT_MENU location. |
productVariantGID | "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/123" | Only for PRODUCT_PAGE location.Only when a variant is selected. |
orderGID | "gid://shopify/Order/123" | Only for ORDER_CONFIRMATION_PAGE or ORDER_MANAGEMENT_PAGE location. |
externalId | String | Partner reference for individual items in entry points such as image collection and video collection |
shopDomain | String | Only for STORE_PAGE . Merchant shop domain such as "hello-world.myshopify.com" |
Mocking entryPointParams during development
If you want to test your Mini using different entry point parameters, you can create a file named entry-point-params.json
in the root directory of your project and set different values using the following shape:
"product_id": "XYZ",
"shop_id": "XYZ",
"product_variant_id": "XYZ",
"external_id": "XYZ",
"shop_domain": "XYZ",
"order_id": "XYZ"
The next time you open your Mini using the CLI, these values will be returned by the hook useMinisParams