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Shop Minis CLI overview



Run your mini in development mode. Running this will present you with a list of options for how to open your mini (Press i for iOS, a for Android etc...). Your mini continues running until you exit this command (CTRL+C). You will see console.log messages output here as well as any errors/warning generated by your mini. Commonly minis have this command aliased as npm start.

npx shop-minis dev

This command also watches and builds your graphql types. More information can be found in Starting the CLI



Starts the Metro Bundler with resetCache. This is useful for cases where you think Metro might have got in to an invalid state.

npx shop-minis dev --reset-cache

Allows you to change the local address we use for the development server. By default we guess the best IP address based on your network interfaces but you may with to override this.

npx shop-minis dev --host

Run the command with --verbose to find which host address we guessed as a default for you.


By default we run all the extensions you have defined in your mini app config. This option allows you to specify which extensions you want to run. Accepts one or many extensions.

npx shop-minis dev --extension-targets

Run the command with --verbose to get more information about which extensions we found in your config and which extensions we are going to run.


By default we install a version of Shop that matches what production users are currently able to install (release). In some cases you may need to switch to nightly or snapshot if the shop minis team have advised you to do so. This would allow you run your mini with new features/bugfixes early.

npx shop-minis dev --build-type nightly

Run the command with --verbose to get more information about which Shop we are using.


Using --build-type snapshot on it's own will get you the latest snapshot but the shop minis team might advise you to use a specific snapshot version

npx shop-minis dev --build-type snapshot --snapshot-version 2.123.0+456

Run the command with --verbose to get more information about which Shop we are using.


Generate an extension. You will be prompted for the extension location and type. This command will attempt to update your mini app config to add the extension but if that was not possible you will see an error message explaining how to add it manually.

npx shop-minis create-extension



Pass the target instead of being prompted

npx shop-minis create-extension --target


List all features and see which ones are enabled/disabled for your mini.

npx shop-minis features

Changes made using this command will apply locally after you restart your development server. Changes will take effect for end users in production after you submit your Shop Mini and that submission has been released in the next version of Shop.



Enable a feature

npx shop-minis features --enable <feature-name>

Disable a feature

npx shop-minis features --disable <feature-name>


Upgrade your mini app's dependencies to the latest versions. This command will also run codemods to upgrade your code automatically if breaking changes are needed.

npx shop-minis upgrade



Avoid applying codemods after upgrading packages. When you use this you will be responsible for manually upgrading your code.

npx shop-minis upgrade --no-codemod

Avoid upgrading @shopify/shop-minis-runtime

npx shop-minis upgrade --no-runtime-upgrade

Specify a version of the CLI to upgrade to (default: "latest")

npx shop-minis upgrade --target-cli-version <version>

Automatically answer prompts with default options

npx shop-minis upgrade --yes


Generate types for all of your graphql query files.

npx shop-minis generate-graphql-types



Generate types automatically when changes are detected.

npx shop-minis generate-graphql-types --watch


Validate your manifest file and report any errors found.

npx shop-minis validate-manifest



Specify a custom manifest file path

npx shop-minis validate-manifest --path path/to/manifest.json



Submit your mini app for review. See the Publishing guide for more information.

npx shop-minis submit



Supply a description of your changes

npx shop-minis submit --description "cool changes"


Check the status of your pending submission.

npx shop-minis check-submission


Cancel your pending submission.

npx shop-minis cancel-submission


When debugging it can be helpful to use the following commands. All of our commands also support --verbose and --help.


Diagnose common Node.js, iOS, Android & React Native issues.

npx shop-minis doctor



Automatically try to fix any issues found.

npx shop-minis doctor --fix


Get relevant version info about OS, toolchain and libraries. Very useful when reporting issues to the shop minis team.

npx shop-minis info


Print out docs for other commands

npx shop-minis help submit

Setup and Creation


Create a new Shop Mini project.

npx shop-minis create [mini name]


mini name

The name of your mini project.



Specify a template to use for the new mini. Available templates:

  • getting_started
  • blank
  • shoppable_videos
  • shoppable_posts
npx shop-minis create my-mini --template getting_started

Specify the extension target to use. Available targets:

  • shop.product.variants.render-before
  • shop.product.policies.render-after
  • shop.product.block.render
  • shop.order-confirmation-page.order-details.render-after
  • shop.order-management.order-details.render-after
  • shop.order-management.visit-shop.render-after
npx shop-minis create my-mini --extension-target shop.product.block.render

Specify the type of extension to create. Available types:

  • blank
  • link
  • default-card
  • product-offer-card
  • video-collection
  • image-collection
  • bundle-selector
  • bundle-collection
  • bundle-upsell
  • survey-single-response
npx shop-minis create my-mini --extension-type default-card

Specify a custom output directory for the mini.

npx shop-minis create my-mini --output-dir path/to/directory

Skip the create extension step during mini creation.

npx shop-minis create my-mini --skip-create-extension

Use the alpha tag of @shopify/shop-minis-runtime instead of the latest tag.

npx shop-minis create my-mini --alphaMinisRuntime

Use the alpha tag of @shopify/shop-minis-platform-sdk instead of the latest tag.

npx shop-minis create my-mini --alphaMinisSDK


Set up a new Shop Mini development environment. This command helps configure your environment for Shop Mini development.

npx shop-minis setup


Automatically apply required code changes after upgrading the CLI. This is typically run as part of the upgrade process but can be run separately if needed.

npx shop-minis codemod



Specify the starting CLI version from which to apply code changes.

npx shop-minis codemod --from-version 1.2.0

Specify the target CLI version up to which code changes should be applied.

npx shop-minis codemod --to-version 2.0.0
--yes, -y

Automatically answer prompts with default options.

npx shop-minis codemod --yes

By default, this command will recreate dependency lockfiles. Use this flag to avoid that behavior.

npx shop-minis codemod --no-hard-reset-dependencies


Manage the Shopify apps linked to your Shop Mini.

npx shop-minis app



List all apps currently linked to your Shop Mini.

npx shop-minis app list

Link an app to your Shop Mini.

npx shop-minis app link

Unlink a development app from your Shop Mini.

npx shop-minis app unlink