Total Gut Probiotic Supplement





Good Bacteria + Good Fungi = Total Gut Balance The first probiotic supplement designed to combine good bacteria and good fungi with a powerful enzyme to address total gut balance.
the details
  • Combines good bacteria and good fungi
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Carrie · Jun 5

I’ve taken many probiotics for my very picky gut but I must say this is the first one that really works! I highly recommend this product.

Laverne · May 11

The ordering process was great. I have not been so hopeful about a product in a long time. This kit came with clear instructions as well as packaging to return my specimen. I'm excited to get my results and get to better. I dropped off the specimen Friday and now I wait until I get the written results. I started taking Total Gut and Digestive greens I'm ready to feel better. The pill is easy to digest and the greens powder taste soo good. I'm excited

Karla · Apr 20

This is one of the first probiotics I’ve tried that I noticed a difference in my morning routine. It cleared out more than I expected, and haven’t been as gassy.

Meg · May 20

I have used many different probiotics in my lifetime. THIS is the one I can say truly works!

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