I absolutely adore this album and this artist. The vinyl arrived in amazing condition and with very protective packaging. The shipping label even had a little stamp of the Oncle Jazz Poodle (the little dude on the album art) This album is filled with so many perfect songs that all have their own personal feel to them. Every track feels unique and while some of the lyrics tend to not make much sense narratively, the overall experience of listening to the music is an absolute delight. Also there is nothing better than listening to this album while under the influence of a particular plant.
Album art: 9/10
Tracks: 10/10
Experience: 9.5/10
Lyrics: 6.8/10
Instrumentalism: 10/10
I love this album and you should too. If you’re reading this you probably do love it and just want it on vinyl, well then I say you should buy it, it’s well worth the money and if you’re looking for some nice ambient music then this is your best choice by far.
Thank you for reading my high Yap session.