The Catchy Catches All!
The Catchy catches all! If you love washing the floor, cleaning every utensil, and anything else your little one plays with multiple times a day/feeding then the catchy may not be right for you. The catchy has been a real game changer for feeding, play, and just hanging out in the high chair, it catches 98.2% of everything our little girl tries to drop or toss away. Cleaning the Catchy is a breeze compared to the floor or carpets and makes the parents life easier on top of everything else we have to clean and disinfect on a daily basis. The money you will save just on cleaning supplies will pay for this in a month. When your toddler looks you in the eye and tries to drop their oatmeal off the table you can just smile since the catchy catches all! My daughter can have her small victories dropping everything, I know Ive already won the war with catchy.
Get the catchy, you will not regret it!