In addition to quality products, birddogs has GREAT Customer Service. Made a mistake on my order, but, through online communication, learned how to return the items. The GREAT part is that as soon as the delivery folks logged in the return, birddogs activated delivery of the replacement items. Received correct items in time to wrap them as Christmas gifts. Thanks for the GREAT service.
In addition to quality products, birddogs has GREAT Customer Service. Made a mistake on my order, but, through online communication, learned how to return the items. The GREAT part is that as soon as the delivery folks logged in the return, birddogs activated delivery of the replacement items. Received correct items in time to wrap them as Christmas gifts. Thanks for the GREAT service.
Lisa · 13 days ago
Large / Regular 7"
The best shorts
Mark · December 15, 2024
Shorts review
The shorts were cut small
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