Great gift for my boyfriend’s mom! We plan on making a junk journal with all the items she receives!
Vicky · December 9, 2024
I got this for myself and I absolutely love it. I can't wait to get the letters in the mail, and I bought a 2nd story because I couldn't get enough! The plot is interesting and I love the added "gems" and games.
Holly · 20 days ago
This was a gift and she loved it! Great quality and value! She can't wait for the next letter!!
The Norah Aven Chronicles: Fantasy Adventure - Prepaid
119 ratings
Welcome to The Flower Letters!
When you subscribe you'll look forward to checking your mail in anticipation of the next installment of our stories. Each story takes place on the pages of intimate and personal letters sent between charact...
Great gift for my boyfriend’s mom! We plan on making a junk journal with all the items she receives!
Vicky · December 9, 2024
I got this for myself and I absolutely love it. I can't wait to get the letters in the mail, and I bought a 2nd story because I couldn't get enough! The plot is interesting and I love the added "gems" and games.
Holly · 20 days ago
This was a gift and she loved it! Great quality and value! She can't wait for the next letter!!
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