perfect for holding pens, markers, and other office essentials - gifted to my son for his new job teaching high school history - fits perfectly in his messenger bag!
Wendy · 6 days ago
Perfect for the essentials
This Alpine Pouch is perfect for my daughter, she uses it to carry her inhalers so they can be easily found, instead of digging around on the bottom of her purse.
Padgett · 9 days ago
Pebbled Black Alpine
I’ve been collecting a wide assortment of colorful littles, but I wanted something black to go with my new Nora. I’ve been curious about the Alpine and couldn’t be more pleased! It holds so much and is a great size for tucking into bags.
perfect for holding pens, markers, and other office essentials - gifted to my son for his new job teaching high school history - fits perfectly in his messenger bag!
Wendy · 6 days ago
Perfect for the essentials
This Alpine Pouch is perfect for my daughter, she uses it to carry her inhalers so they can be easily found, instead of digging around on the bottom of her purse.
Padgett · 9 days ago
Pebbled Black Alpine
I’ve been collecting a wide assortment of colorful littles, but I wanted something black to go with my new Nora. I’ve been curious about the Alpine and couldn’t be more pleased! It holds so much and is a great size for tucking into bags.
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