Realmente estoy muy satisfecha lo recomiendo con toda mi confianza el resultado la suavidad desde el primer dia no nesesito aceite ni crema en mi cabello mi el crecimiento en la parte izquierda demi cabeza tengo 1 mes usandolo y mi cabello esta creciendo ademas adios ala caspa es mas delo esperado gracias exelente producto lo recomiendo lo usare siempre nolo cambio
Ashley · 6 days ago
I got the shampoo and conditioner and my hair has NEVER been so happy. I've tried a lot of shampoo bars and my hair is always more greasy or feels like straw afterwards, with these bars my hair is unbelievably smooth and shiny, I didnt even know my hair could shine! Im excited to try more of the products!
Daniel · 6 days ago
I got the shampoo and conditioner and my hair has NEVER been so happy. I've tried a lot of shampoo bars and my hair is always more greasy or feels like straw afterwards, with these bars my hair is SO smooth and shiny, I didnt even know my hair could shine! Im so excited to try more of the products!
Realmente estoy muy satisfecha lo recomiendo con toda mi confianza el resultado la suavidad desde el primer dia no nesesito aceite ni crema en mi cabello mi el crecimiento en la parte izquierda demi cabeza tengo 1 mes usandolo y mi cabello esta creciendo ademas adios ala caspa es mas delo esperado gracias exelente producto lo recomiendo lo usare siempre nolo cambio
Ashley · 6 days ago
I got the shampoo and conditioner and my hair has NEVER been so happy. I've tried a lot of shampoo bars and my hair is always more greasy or feels like straw afterwards, with these bars my hair is unbelievably smooth and shiny, I didnt even know my hair could shine! Im excited to try more of the products!
Daniel · 6 days ago
I got the shampoo and conditioner and my hair has NEVER been so happy. I've tried a lot of shampoo bars and my hair is always more greasy or feels like straw afterwards, with these bars my hair is SO smooth and shiny, I didnt even know my hair could shine! Im so excited to try more of the products!
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